Cosmetic dentistry means any dental procedure done mainly to improve a person’s appearance, by improving the shape, size, surface or alignment of teeth, gums, and sometimes bone.

Teeth Whitening
At Markham Street Dental Clinic, we use the ZOOM in-office whitening system, which utilizes a special light designed to speed the whitening process.

The placement of very thin white porcelain veneers on the teeth to improve their shape and surface appearance and even fill small gaps between teeth.
Also available are Lumineers, which are ultra-thin and require little tooth preparation.

The application of white plastic material to teeth to change the size, shape or color of a tooth.

Laser Gum Contouring
Solution for a “gummy” smile, this also restores to view the full length of the teeth, so they don’t appear too short.

Markham Street Dental strongly believes that everyone deserved a winning smile. Because of this, we take great care to give our patient’s the latest and most effective tools and procedures in cosmetic dentistry, making us one of the most popular cosmetic dentists. At Markham Street Dental, your smile is our main priority and we can help you improve it with any number of these techniques:

Veneers These are thin white porcelain veneers placed on the teeth to improve their shape and surface appearance; it can also help fill small gaps between teeth.

Teeth Whitening Markham Street Dental Clinic uses an in-office whitening system that utilizes a special light designed to speed the whitening process.

We also offer bonding and laser gum contouring among other treatments.

If you’re in need of having your smile brightened or straightened, Markham Street Dental Clinic is the right cosmetic dentist for you! Your smile can often be your most important feature. It is often the first thing people notice about you. So give Markham Street Dental Clinic a call today and let’s get that smile of yours on the right track!
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